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Contact VegBank

VegBank Help Desk - email us here for help with the website, if something doesn't work, or for general questions.

VegBank Users Community Lists

These lists are public and anyone may join them. Messages can be posted with questions about vegbank, and users can post responses to these questions. Click "join / read" to subscribe to a list or to browse the archive, as all emails to the lists below will be archived publicly. If you'd like to post a question to a list, please join the list first. You'll receive an email with instructions about how to post a message and change your options, such as reducing the amount of email you receive from these lists. The lists are managed by Google Groups. - join / read - This list is for questions and issues about vegbank. - join / read - Subscribe to this list to discuss issues and help for VegBranch, the client database for VegBank.

Development team

Michael Lee, Project Manager, Developer

Program administration

Robert K. Peet, Principal Investigator
Department of Biology, CB#3280
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280

Vegetation Classification Panel,
Ecological Society of America

Dave Roberts, Panel Chair